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[SECC] Its SS time Folks

Subject: [SECC] Its SS time Folks
From: halken at (Hal Kennedy)
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 19:19:35 -0000
This weekend would be a great time to flip on the radio, put it into
contest mode and make a few QSOs for your own enjoyment - and the SECC
overall score.  SS starts at 2100Z Saturday - for many of us the premier
contest of the season - for others just a place to sharpen skills and
trade reports with old friends.  SECC has won the medium club gavel in
the past - it's a cinch we can do it again if enough of us will get on
the air.


Either way - hope to see EVERYONE in SECC make at least a token
appearance - it is a contest club after all...








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