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[SECC] CQ WW Phone

Subject: [SECC] CQ WW Phone
From: thompson at (David Thompson)
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2008 18:04:37 -0400
MY first CQ WW Phone was a short effort using W5GRP's 75A2 and Viking Ranger 
in 1958.  I did work PY0NA (trinidade) and a YL in OQ5 (Belgium  Congo) but 
with just 35 Q's I sent W1WY a check log.  In 1959 I made a decent effort 
with 85K but missed most of the SSB entries as I was still AM.  I listened 
to Howy W2QHH nab many of the SSB entries with his 55 watts of Am but 
decided to go SSB with a Heath SB-10 for 1960.  In 1960 I made just over 
100K and broke into the Top 5 USA All Band HP.  AS Frank W1WY (then the 
Director) noted I had to pass up SSB again as my receiver went bust.  I had 
fun in 1962 and 63 as the High USA and even broke into the top 10 World box. 
Then College took over and then work so it took me many years to get back.

I moved to Atlanta in 1973 and did some Single band Efforts topping 10 meter 
HP USA several times (I have the Plaque for 1986).  I tried 40 SSB in 1979 
and 80 winning in 1979 operating from N4RJ's old Snellville location (where 
you could see almost to JA).  I tried from my house in 1980 and was doing 
very well until the Henry 2K transformer went klonk
so worked the second night barefoot and still placed in the top 5.

In 1988 I helped N4HOH score 1.8M in M/S.

After that I got tied up with work (the CQ WW weekend was always inventory 
weekend).  I did enter
the ARRL DX SSB several times (Plaques on the wall for Single Band 10 two 
times, Single Band 40 once, and Division leader three times for low power
(once from St. Simons with 100W and a Loop).  My two efforts at QRP landed 
me #6 world in the CQ WW SSB and a plaque for the ARRL DX SSB for High USA 
in 1984 for USA QRP.  I also have a plaque for High Zone 5 in the 1994 CQ 
160 SSB.

As many of you know my health problems stopped me dead in my tracts in late 
1998.  I have also been fighting trigeminal neuralgia  also since 2005 so 
the Doctors just won't let me work any contest on an active basis.

The CQ WW is the largest DX contest in the world.  Go after the contest if 
you can from your QTH or get on the NQ4I crew.  Its an experience you won't 

73 Dave K4JRB   K5MDX 1957 to 1973 

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