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[SECC] K9AY Loop Presentation by N4GG

Subject: [SECC] K9AY Loop Presentation by N4GG
From: w4dd at (Jeff W4DD)
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2008 22:32:54 -0400

For those who may not monitor the SEDXC reflector, Hal, N4GG recently did a
presentation at one of their meeting.  The topic was building and using the
K9AY Loop Antenna.  Unfortunately I was not in town that week, but the
PowerPoint slides on construction details and Video clip of how the antenna
performs can be viewed at the SEDXC web site  Look
down the page a bit for the "Flashing" sign.  It's a great presentation.  It
also has reminded me I need to finish up my summer project of loading my
tower and building my 160M K9AY loop.  The weather is finally cooling off a
little making working in the woods a lot more enjoyable.  


With a great video clip like the one shown, I'm sure there will be a run on
binocular cores !  If you build one of these receiving antennas (or any
other antenna project), please share your results and a picture on the SECC
reflector.  The upcoming contest season is right around the corner !  



Jeff, W4DD



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