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[SECC] It's Time To Start Planning - Page One

Subject: [SECC] It's Time To Start Planning - Page One
From: nq4i at (Rick Dougherty NQ4I)
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 09:27:16 -0400
Hi Gordon...thanks so much for all you did to help make the GQP the huge
success it was!!! Your points are well taken and I will make every effort to
make sure that Susan as well as Andrea is involved in the next GQP...I think
we can maybe improve some more on the participation level...Mike NE4S has
really got a good handle on the logs's so amazing that the results
are published and awards are already out!!! No other contest I know of can
claim to get it done as quickly as the GQP!!

de Rick NQ4I

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 8:21 AM, Gordon <greyeagl at> wrote:

>  *Now that the 2008 rendition of the Georgia QSO Party is in the history
> books, so to speak, *
> *and awards shipped, it may be time the for us to consider some of the
> little things we can do *
> *to improve on what we are doing and the way we do them.  What has managed
> to navigate *
> *the deep recesses of my two remaining somewhat active brain cells is
> neither earth-shattering *
> *nor a panacea for the future.  It is, just as it seems, the ramblings of
> an old time ham with *
> *nothing else to do with his time but bore the membership with his
> insanity.*
> * *
> *It is becoming more and more apparent, as one looks at the photos being
> submitted that we are, *
> *indeed, a bunch of old codgers, some bearded, some not, but all in all, a
> very scary bunch for any *
> *young **ham seeking to associate him or herself with in any manner!  The
> proof of this manifested *
> *itself **the other day when my XYL, Faye (and a future ham to boot) has
> referred to me as "Kilo Four *
> *Old Dirt" and to my best friend, Paul Newberry as "November Four Plain
> Nuts".   This is much like *
> *the pot **calling the kettle black since our daughter, Leigh, has a
> propensity to introduce Faye and *
> *me to her **friends **out in **Baton Rouge**, as her parents, "Morticia
> and Gomez".   *
> *But, once again, I digress.*
> * *
> *I mentioned in the report and commentary on the 2008 event that I see a
> need to involve the *
> *Asst SM **for Youth, Andrea Hartlage (KG4IUM) as well as GA SM Susan
> Swiderski (AF4FO) *
> *in future planning **for our little event.  *
> * *
> *Those of you who have managed to maintain a modicum of sanity throughout
> your  participation *
> *in our **esteemed hobby are a minority, at best, and we need to somehow
> appeal to the younger *
> *hams to get involved **with and secure the future of our event and yes,
> even our hobby.   For *
> *without their involvement and future **management of the event, we are,
> indeed, a dying breed.*
> *  *
> *Perhaps, our fearless leaders should make a strong effort to get Susan
> and Andrea in attendance *
> *at the next **meeting of the SECC and get their input on what they feel
> as things our young hams *
> *would like to see happen **to make the contest a more appealing event for
> them.*
> * *
> *J. Gordon Rowe ? K4OD*
> **
> *Oh, how I do love to mess with the minds of tiny little electrons!  *
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