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[SECC] Contest Season

Subject: [SECC] Contest Season
From: k9ay at (K9AY)
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 10:24:43 -0500
Jeff and fellow SECCers,

Two towers and their antennas will go up over the next 4 weeks. And yesterday 
the soybeans were harvested so I have acres and acres to run Beverages once 

My top objectives are decent performances in Sweepstakes CW, ARRL 160, Stew 
Perry, CQ 160, and the QRP ARCI TopBand Sprint. I'll do as much as my schedule 
allows for CQWW, ARRL 10M, NAQP, Feb. Sprint and ARRL DX.

I'll look forward to lots of SECC calls in the log again, especially on 160. 
Just load up the tribander or bedsprings -- I'll hear you.

73, Gary

  It would be interesting to hear what's going on with everyone else.....

  73, Jeff  KU8E
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