Hello all...its time to step up to the plate here..as the new president of the
SECC, I want to weigh in on the issue..the circle and its location will be
decided sometime in the coming weeks...I will be looking at appointing a
committee to look at all the pros and cons of the current circle and each
proposal...how it will affect membership etc....it is important to realize that
contesting as a club and having a membership that contributes to the club
aggregate score is important.....as equally important is having a coherent
membership....I would like to have as many participants ...read members...who
will submit scores for SECC in as many contests as possible....so lets go into
this venture with an open mind, and try to keep emotion abated...the SECC club
is a vision of the original W4AN and a few other contesters...its a derivation
of the old Dixie Dx'ers...and has a fairly deep heritage in contesting in
general...there was a time in the mid '80s that the Dixie Dx'ers were the 4th
highest point producing club in the US....it behooves us to continue in that
tradition and strive to make our club as productive as possible...each of us
can contribute to the club totals....in the same vein, each of us needs to make
the commitment to get on the air for the CQWW and the ARRL International DX
Test...these are the big ones and this is where we are measured as a club.....
I look forward to this year in Office...my VP is Jeff W4DD, and he and I have a
very good relationship of working together....along with the other officers,
this is going to be a great year for the SECC....I wish each of you a great
year of contesting...to our out going President Hal N4GG....you are leaving
behind a rather large pair to shoes to fill, and I hope I can do justice to
your memory....you have done a great job this past 2 years....the club has
great direction and has had great leadership...Thanks Hal...excellent job.....
I hope that any issue that comes up, that each person, can feel free to
approach me and discuss in any manner...sometimes I am not as readily available
as I would like....because of my job and lack of internet connections...but
Jeff is very capable of speaking for me or for that matter himself...he is 100%
available on the internet and I am probably 75% of the time....call me, page
me, IM me, or e-mail me and lets talk if there is an issue....
de Rick nq4i
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