1. Missouri QSO Party
Call CW Q Ph Q Mult Score Time Category State
N4PN 57 39 46 11,638 9.0 SOHP GA
K4BAI 25 6 21 3,528 2:25 SOHP GA
KU8E 1 4 5 30 1 SOLP GA
2. SP (Poland) DX Contest
K4ZGB 63 13 37 8,436 4 SOHP Mix AL
K4BAI 28 5 20 1,980 1:14 SOHP Mix GA
K4JRB 0 3 3 27 -- SOHP Mix GA
3. EA (Spain) RTTY Contest
W4UK 320 134 104,520 -- SOABHP SC
K4HAL 132 90 33,030 4.5 SOABHP AL
4. Yuri Gagarin DX Contest
K4BAI 34 11 1,100 2:21 SOABHP GA
KU8E 6 2 36 .5 SOSB20LP GA
5. QRPARCI Sprint QSO Party
K4BAI 98 52 147,420 7:20 SOQRP5W GA
6. April NAQCC Sprint
K4BAI 49 23 4,728 1:59 SOQRP5W GA Gain Ant
7. NCCC Ladder 4/6
K4BAI 44 21 924 0.5 SOLP GA
This weekend, there are a number of contests in addition to the Georgia
QSO Party. It might be helpful to understand the exchange for those
that overlap with the GQP as it might be possible to give and get enough
information to count for both contests.
1. NCCC Ladder, 0230-0259Z, Friday. 160-20M CW. 100W maximum.
Exchange: Both calls, QSO #, name, SPC. Mults count per band. Dupes
OK after band change or one intervening QSO.
2. Montana QSO Party. 23Z Fri to 23Z Sun. 160M to 70CM. Exchnage:
RS(T) + Montana County or SPC. Almost same exchange as GQP. If in GA,
add "GA" to your exchange and receive "MT" from any MT stations. There
is usually one strong MT station on 20M SSB.
3. Japan International DX Contest, CW. 07Z Sat to 13Z Sunday.
160-10M. Exchange: RST + JA Prefecture # or RST + CQ Zone #. Send JAs
your zone # (05) and log RST + DX for GQP.
4. European Spring Sprint, CW. 16Z - 1959Z Sat. 80-10M. Exchange:
Both calls + Serial # + Name. If working Eu stations in this test, add
a serial # and your name and log RST+ DX from them.
5. GEORGIA QSO PARTY. 18Z Sat to 0359Z Sun. 14Z to 2359Z Sun. 80-10M
CW/Phone. Exchange: RS(T) + Ga county or SPC. Look for a live webcam
from NQ4I's station, which will be M/M and will be signing the SECC club
call, W4AN. www.nq4i.com. We will have around 10 mobiles running from
county to county. I expect good activity during daylight hours on 20
and 40, both modes, and, after 20 closes, 80 CW should be very active.
Note the new 75M Phone suggested frequency of 3810. Otherwise, there
are no rules changes since last year, but there are more awards. Note
that you may submit your score either CW or SSB or Mixed Mode.
Multipliers are counted per mode (not per mode and band). GA to GA QSOs
do not count for county mults, but do count for GA on each mode as
multipliers and count for QSO points. A mobile is a different station
for QSO points and multipliers in each county. No county line operation
is allowed. All stations may use spotting networks, but no one may
self-spot. All info at: http://gqp.contesting.com.
6. April Flying Pigs QRP Club Run for the Bacon. 01-03Z Monday (Sunday
night local). 160-10M CW. Exchange: RST + FP# or power.
Hope everyone has a good week and weekend and makes a lot of QSOs
especially in GQP.
John, K4BAI.