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[SECC] Voice Recorder

Subject: [SECC] Voice Recorder
From: lee.hiers at (Lee Hiers)
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2006 17:18:37 -0500
On 11/8/06, Macie, Gordon <GMacie at> wrote:

> I am in the market for a voice recorder. I am considering the Yaeus
> DVS-2, MFJ 434B and now the Rigblaster Pro(just found out today this has
> dvr). Anyone have any recommendations especially if you have used more
> than 1 of them. Plan to order one of them tomorrow.

I've got an MFJ, and it seems adequate....not sure of the model number.

What are you using it for?  If it's for contesting, what logging
program do you use?  I think most of the Windows programs allow the
use of the computer's soundcard as a voice keyer...with the advantage
of the F-keys already being wired in.

I know this is a feature of N1MM.

If I were going to get set up with a Windows logger and didn't already
have a voice keyer, I'd definitely go the sound card route.

Lee Hiers, AA4GA
"Have Dobro Will Travel"

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