1. Pennsylvania QSO Party
Call CW Q Ph Q Mult Score Time Category Notes
N4PN 253 395 67 59,775.5 20 SOHP SO2R 4400 bonus pts
K4ZGB 113 86 56 16,780 11 SOHP
NF4A 77 142 59 15,635 8.5 SOLP
K4BK 118 0 48 9,472 14 SOLPCW 400 bonus pts
K4BAI 110 12 45 9,417.5 4:53 SOHP 800 bonus pts
W4NTI 74 0 38 5,626 3.5 SOHP
2. Makrothen RTTY Contest
K9MUG 441 2,515,476 10 SO 1TX HP
W6FO/4 132 345,264 17 SO 1TX LP
3. FOC Bill Windle QSO Party
W4BQF 83/62
K4BAI 56/48
KU8E ?
4. Flying Pigs QRP Club Run for the Bacon
K4BAI 20 19 988 2 QRP 5W
5. NCCC Thursday NA Sprint Practice
K4BAI 72 28 2,016 1 LP
This weekend bring the following contests:
1. JARTS WW RTTY, 00Z Sat - 24Z Sun., 80-10M RTTY, Exchange: RST +
age. Mults are DXCC countries plus call areas for JA/W/VE/VK.
2. QRP ARCI Fall QSO Party. 12Z Sat - 24Z Sun. 160-10M CW. Exchange:
RST + SPC + QRPARCI # or power.
3. Worked All Germany. 15Z Sat - 1459Z Sun. CW/SSB. 80-10M.
Excxhange: RS(T) + DOK or Serial #. Work only German stations.
4. W/VE Islands QSO Party. 16Z Sat to 2359 Sun. 160-6M Phone and
"Non-Phone." Exchange RS(T) + US/CISA Island # + island name or RS(T)
and island name. Usually not much activity in this one and what
activity there is will be on SSB.
5. 50 mhz. Fall Sprint. 23Z Sat to 03Z Sun. 50 mhz any mode.
Exchange: 4 character grid square. 50 mhz. conditions have been poor
lately, but this will be fun if the band opens.
6. Illinois QSO Party. 17Z Sun to 01Z Mon. CW/Digital + Phone.
160-2M. Exchange RS(T) + county or SPC. County line stations count for
QSO points and multipliers from each county. There will be 2-county,
3-county, and 4 county stations active. Work only Ill stations, of course.
Hope everyone has a good week and a lot of QSOs and fun in contests this
John, K4BAI.