Last weekend's contests: claimed scores.
1. NCCC Thursday night sprint practice (8/25)
K4BAI 46 22 1,012 0.5 LP
2. Ohio QsO Party
Call CW Q Ph Q CW M Ph M Score Time Category
N4PN 183 201 80 67 83,349 12 SOHP
KU8E 189 122 76 63 69,500 12 SOLP
K4ZGB 89 71 51 39 22,410 9:30 SOHP
NA4BW 82 36 47 28 15,000 6:20 SOQRP
K4HAL 89 0 45 0 8,010 2.5 SOLP
K4BAI 56 4 39 4 4,988 2:07 SOLP
N4GG 28 21 25 18 3,397 1:37 SOHP
KI4EGT 45 0 36 0 3,240 ? SOLP
W4NTI 29 10 25 8 2,244 2.5 SOHP
3. SCC RTTY Championship
WX4TM 433 130 135,500 10 SOABHP
K9MUG 337 144 117,936 10 SOABLP
KE4KWE 308 144 100,808 15 SOABLP
W4UK 223 111 54,057 13 SOABHP
4. YO DX Contest
N4GG 29 0 25 4,075 1:32 SOABHP
K4BAI 16 2 15 1,275 0:24 SOSB(20)HP
If you made any QSOs at all in the YO contest, you might want to submit
at least a checklog since this is one contest that the contestants are
only granted credit for a QSO when a log is received from both stations.
This weekend's contests, include the following:
1. All Asia, Phone. 48 hours of Sat and Sunday UTC. 80-10M Phone.
Exchange: RS + age ("00" is OK for YLs).
2. Ruyssian RTTY WW Contest. 00 - 24Z Sat. 80-10M RTTY. Exchange:
RST + 2 ltr Oblast or CQ zone.
3. RSGB SSB Field Day and Region One SSB Field Day. 13Z Sat to 13Z
Sun. 160-10M (RSGB does not include 160M). Exchange: RS + Serial #.
4. DARC 10M Digital Contest. 11-17Z Sun. RTTY, Amtor, Clover, PSK21,
Pactor. 10M. RST + Serial #.
5. Michigan QRP Club Lbor Day Sprint. 23Z Mon - 03Z Tues. 160-6M CW.
Exchange: RST + SPC + MiQRP Club # or power output.
6. ARS Spartan Sprint QRP. 01-03Z Tues. RST + SPC + power out.
80-10M CW.
Yes, the last two coincide this year. Since you submit a complete log
for MiQRP and only a summary for Spartan Sprint, it is easy to log them
both in one contest file and extract the last two hours for the Spartan
Sprint submission. You will probably find more activity during the last
two hours as the Spartan Sprint is a much more popular QRP Sprint these
days. The MiQRP members themselves don't seem to support their
operating activities these days. I talked to them at their booth in
Dayton this year about that. It seems that the club contest director,
N8CQA, has been ill and hasn't been up to promoting and publicizing
results lately as well as he did in the past. I hope that will change
in the future, particularly when their contests do not confilict with
the Spartan Sprints.
73, John, K4BAI.