I spent from 0022 to 0047Z on 40 SSB and only heard and worked N4PN and
Later I spent 0445 to 0520 on 75 and worked KU8E and WA4JVC. I heard NA4BW,
K1ZZI, and N4GG.
N4GG was working stations and called a 5 station and just disappeared. I
quit after working Joe NK7U and Sally KG4NWS. The static was 20 over even
on the K9AY loop.
Back lon 40 I worked a half a page full just S&Ping between 0535 and 0550.
Nearest to GA was NJ4M in Florida. CA and West Coast along with AH6 was in
Do not have the shack PC hooked up so hand logging right now. I have to get
a new version of Writelog to get started on the new PC.
Dave K4JRB