1. NCCC Thursday NA Sprint CW Practice
K4BAI 58 20 1,160 0.5 LP
KU8E ~35 0:20 LP
2. IOTA Contest
Call CW Q CW M Ph Q Ph M Score Time Category
N4PN 117 45 787 47 396,336 11.5 SO12MixHP World
K4BAI 387 80 52 24 321,672 16:26 SO24MixHP World
KU8E 182 53 0 0 73,458 -- SO12CW LP World
W4BQF 144 55 0 0 66,000 -- SO12CW HP World
W4ATL 44 5 0 0 960 6 SO12CW LP Island
3. ARS Flight of the Bumblebees
K4BAI 93 57 15,903 4.0 SO QRP Home
Also worked K4AQ and a few others in IOTA and don't have claimed scores yet.
This weekend, QSOs should be possible in the following contests:
1. TARA Grid Dip Shindig. 00-24Z Sat. PSK/RTTY. 160-6M. Exchange:
Name + 4 character grid square.
2. 10-10 International Summer Phone Contest. 10 M SSB. 0001Z Sat to
2359Z Sun. Exchange: Name + SPC + 10-20 # if you have one. Avoid
contest activity between 28490 and 28510.
3. North American QSO Party, CW. 18Z Sat to 06Z Sun. (maximum 10
hours). 160-10 CW. 100 watts maximum. Exchange: Name + SPC + SPC for
NA stations. Only Name for stations outside NA. (You may have to enter
"DX" in your logging program as some won't take a line without something
in the SPC space.)
4. ARS Spartan Sprint August. Monday night local. 01-03Z Tuesday.
80-10M CW. Exchange: RST, SPC, power output. A very good QRP sprint
that is a lot of fun. Turn a rig down to 5 watts and join in. I use a
QRP Contest Module for NA for logging. It won't figure the score, but
you just send in the number of QSOs on a honor system. If the total
weight of your rig and all peripherals exceeds 30#, you send in your log
as a Tubby (30# assumed).
Hope everyone got at least one QSO with KH8SI and will have a good
weekend and a lot of QSOs. If you missed KH8SI, don't despair. I hear
rumors of a big, competent, DXpedition for there later this year.
John, K4BAI.