My 80M and 40M dipoles came down in the spring and I was only able to
put the 40 back up before the contest. I tried loading my 160M
inverted L but it did a lousy job on 80. The older I get, the more I
like the 24 or 36 hour contests!
Congratulations to John and Jeff for a fine showing -- and VE7ZO
didn't do too badly either!
BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points Mults Zones
160CW 23 23 31 4 3
80CW 25 25 41 5 3
40CW 231 231 613 21 19
20CW 422 421 1367 28 26
15CW 167 167 409 18 11
10CW 51 51 111 5 4
Totals 919 918 2572 81 66
Final Score = 378084 points.
Jay, K4OGG