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Subject: [SECC] NE4S CQ-160-SSB
From: mrcne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 06:34:08 -0800 (PST)
Thanks for the Q's from many SECC ops, and our near state neighbors.
  Now I must get busy on GQP preparations.
  73, Mike, NE4S
  ...............................3830 Posted, log 
                     CQ 160-Meter Contest, SSB

Call: NE4S
Operator(s): NE4S + PACKET
Station: NE4S

Class: Multi-Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 13

Total:  QSOs = 467  
  State/Prov   = 51  
  Countries    = 10  
  Total Score  = 64,782

Club: South East Contest Club


FT1000mp/100W, Inverted L 65'x75', 4 133' radials, all hidden in restricted 
suburban lot.  
  "L" seems to work well on TX, noisy on RX.  
  Very few EU/DX stations were heard through the noise.

13 hours was about all I could work, and hear anything through local QRN.  
  Best hour rate was 79/h at about 0130Z, first nite.
Next year, will see an RX loop or two, or a hidden Beverage (OG) across lot and 
green space by subdivision pond.

Ops were all courteous.  
  I know the K7 land op did not hear the KH6 he was accused of QRMing... the 2 
that jumped on him should reflect on that 
comment posted on cluster.  The band gets so full that we all are close and on 
top of each other sometimes.  
  We just must slip and slide to fit in as best we can.
That incident was the only minor break in the usual good will on 160 that I saw.

I do wish there was a Single Op Assisted "Low Power" category.  Being Multi for 
packet is OK, but being lumped in with the HP guys in the end seems a bit off.

Good event, hope to be there next year.
Now to resync my sleep cycle...
Mike, NE4S

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at:

Please use ne4s at as my address.
Be well, 
Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!

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