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[SECC] Reminder NA Sprint CW Practice Session Thursday Night

Subject: [SECC] Reminder NA Sprint CW Practice Session Thursday Night
From: k4bai at (John T. Laney III)
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 20:57:44 -0500
Ken, is off this week.
Hope to see many of you on for our little 1/2 hour of fun!
73, Kurt

NCCC THURSDAY  NIGHT MADNESS continues this week,
Jan. 26, local date in North America;   Jan. 27Z

As the NA Sprints approach, it's time to practice some CW SO2R with
Sprint Rules (modified to NS this week!)

  --30 mins   0330-04Z  (all NCCC practice sessions will be the same LOCAL 
time, year round, UFN)
-- Start 0330Z (1930 PT, 2030 MT, 2130 CT 2230 ET)

-- CW only, 100 watts, dupes allowed after 1 intervening Q on the same band 
(back-to-back on different bands are OK, 1 KHz QSY.
Otherwise it's like the NCJ NA CW Sprint
  (see )

-- 14040, 7040, 3540, 1810.  If the MUF shuts down 20/40m, 160 can take up 
the slack.

-- Consider using slower speeds when CQing in the first 15 minutes.

-- Report scores near 3830 LSB after the practice,  at 0400Z (8 PM PST) on 
the weekly NCCC
contest net).  Real-time score collecting, bragging, excuses, antenna checks,
advice...or report score/comments on 3830 reflector

Next week,  NA Sprint SSB practice on Thursday and Friday, Feb. 2 & 3

CQ-Contest mailing list
CQ-Contest at

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  • [SECC] Reminder NA Sprint CW Practice Session Thursday Night, John T. Laney III <=