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[SECC] FW: NAQP Strategy

Subject: [SECC] FW: NAQP Strategy
From: halken at (Hal Kennedy)
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 09:38:05 -0500
A few thoughts from up here in Woodstock...

I agree with Jeff on all below.  Conditions play a big part in strategy and
the August and January outings are quite different.  There is much less
competition in August as well.  You really have to listen carefully to the
bands as the contest goes on.  Both 20 and 40 did not behave as usual.  Late
in the contest 20 reopened for good short skip, and 40 never went as long
nor as early as it sometimes does.

Most of the top scorers take their off time early.  Taking 90 minutes off
after the first 90 minutes is a good way to go, as 20 meters goes through
its dip.  I could not do this, this time out as I had to start 30 minutes
late.  I still should have taken much more time off earlier however.  I sat
in the chair for 10 straight and took the last 90 off - mistake.

The SO2R approach here is as follows: CQ constantly for 10 hours straight on
one radio, while S&P on the other.  Somebody famous once said: "If you are
not CQing you are losing."  As the rate on the run radio moves above around
80 I have to just about stop S&P.  If I were better at SO2R I could push
further.  I find myself intentionally CQing on the highest band open, where
the rate may not be too high, and that allows lots of S&P.  I need to break
this habit.  I need to CQ on the highest rate band and only S&P as I can -
another mistake.

I keep an MUF map and a grey line map open on a second screen - helps to
know what's dark and what's not.

This is a great contest.  Ten hours is not that bad - and there is lots of
activity and lots of competition as well as strategy involved.  It can take
years to get good at this one - if ever....

Practice, practice, practice....



The condx are going to dictate the strategy you might use. In the January
NAQP the low bands - 80/160 are much more important than in the August NAQP
where you tend to get more E skip on 15 and 10. Also 20 meters will stay
open longer in the summer time.

 I ended up operating the first hour and then took a 1/2 hour break. When I
got back on at 1930Z 20 meters was not it's usual self with any good short
skip. I checked 40 meters at that time and there were a few stations on the
east coast CQing and I worked them on the 2nd radio.  At 1945Z I decided to
try CQing on 40 meters and the rate was much better  so I switched there and
alternated between 20/15/10 meters on the 2nd radio. I went back to 20
meters for some CQing around 2020Z for awhile and then switched back to 40
for good around 2130Z.  I made my 1st 80 meter QSO around 2330 Z but that
was on the 2nd radio. 40 was still short and I didn't really do any CQing on
80 until almost 0200Z.  My last 20 meter OSO was around 2337Z and didn't
even bother to listen after that... mainly CQing on 40 and S&P on radio #2
between 80 and 160 meters. I took an hour break for dinner between
2345-0045Z. I took my last break at 0500-0530Z.

I screwed up big time by not spending this past week getting my real 160
meter antenna (inverted L) back up and going. During the practices on
Thursday and Friday
it was noisy and no one was there so I assume condx were going to be bad.  I
heard and XE , ZF2NT and several EU stations and the west coast was coming
in good. I was using the zepp , with the open wire feeder shorted and it
just didn't cut the mustard. I must of also missed a good 15 meter opening.
Many from around here worked 20+ multipliers and I only had 5. The times I
listened on radio #2  about the only thing I heard were mostly W6 stations.
Was there some short skip ??

Overall, I guess I can't complain about my score. About the same as last
time , with worse condx. Although N4GG killed me using wires only so I guess
I still have a ways to go. Thanks to everyone for getting on...

73, Jeff KU8E
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