When my wife said that she and our daughter were going to see Memoirs of a
Geisha Saturday afternoon I bowed out and told her I would stay at home and
operate in a ham radio contest that I have not participated in for a number
of years. Saturday morning I set up TRLog and right at 1 p.m. local time
I went to the basement, turned on the rig and . . . nothing! Since I
never can remember if it's 5 hours difference in local vs. UTC in the
winter or the summer I thought I must be an hour off. Went upstairs to
check the internet and sure 'nuff, NAQP is going to be the second full
weekend in January this year. (like all years)
So, Jeff put me down for part time next weekend. I already have TRLog
ready to go.
Jay, K4OGG