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[SECC] SS CW N4GG SO Unlimited HP

Subject: [SECC] SS CW N4GG SO Unlimited HP
From: halken at (Hal Kennedy)
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2005 11:53:33 -0500
                    ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, CW

Call: N4GG
Operator(s): N4GG
Station: N4GG

Class: SO Unlimited HP
Operating Time (hrs): 23:12
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs
  160:    0
   80:  197
   40:  490
   20:  324
   15:   62
   10:    5
Total: 1078  Sections = 80  Total Score = 172,480

Club: South East Contest Club


First semi-serious outing from the new QTH.  Lots of frantic work the weeks
before the contest hacking the station back together and stringing a few
dipoles.  No decent antenna on 15 hurt again this year - there will be some
wires going up for 15 and 10 at this QTH in the near future.  Took a 40
break in prime time to replace the 80M balun that shorted three hours into
contest - in the dark of course - in the woods.  It was just like the good
days but without snow.  It was an easy decision to fix it on the fly - no
no score.
Raw score was 3 Qs better than last year - unscheduled times off hurt.
like unlimited category is growing.  Low bands were good here in GA - 80
FB even to the "Q" stns on the left coast.  The QRP guys are growing in
too - a good test of the old ears.

Last section was NNY - it sure looked like a non-sweep until near the end.
Thanks, once again, VY1JA.

2 X FT1000MP, 2 X Acom 2000A.  Homebrew SO2R controls.  Writelog.  Wires in
de N4GG
Result was disappointing here - took three hours off for the balun incident
and Sunday dinner with the family.  The antennas that are up seem to play
well, but more are needed - and the antenna switching and matching networks
are all bubblegum and bailing wire at the moment.  Good thing there was no
wind, or it would all have been on the ground!

Nice to hear so many SECCers on!  Great job Jeff (LP), John (1 radio, 20
hours, 1000Qs!), Sherm and others.  See y'all for SSB?

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