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[SECC] SS Countdown

Subject: [SECC] SS Countdown
From: halken at (Hal Kennedy)
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2005 17:14:53 -0500
Only 47 hours until 4PM Saturday and the running of the SS-CW.  Hope to
see LOTS of SECC'ers handing out points and having fun.  


Preparation at 'the new' N4GG continues at a high labor, low output,
pace.  After two days of wire tangles in the woods, Mr. Saw and Mr. Tree
had an argument this afternoon - Mr. Saw won.  The first round of wires
are now up.  Matching networks (mostly L networks and coax phasing
lines) and such go in tomorrow - hopefully the station will be at least
crudely SO2R by Saturday afternoon.  I have become expert at building
open wire line.  There is about 300 feet of 400 and 600 ohm line in the
yard so far, and lots more to come.  500 ft of Andrew Superflex is on
order - heck, if you are stuck with wires, every dBi counts.


One very nice thing about Atlanta - I remember stringing wire the
morning of SS in the 'good old days' in snow, rain and 30 degree WX.
Nice to be here!





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