1. NCCC Thursday CW Sprint
K4BAI 47 12 564 0:30 LP SO2R
KU8E 2 2 4 0:02 LP
2. Illinois QSO Party
Call CW Q Ph Q Mult Score Time Category Notes
N4PN 140 148 70 29,960 7.5 HP
K4BAI 139 81 65 23,335 4:44 HP
K4SAV 127 31 60 17,100 7 HP
W4NTI 87 49 55 12,265 5 LP
3. Worked All Germany Contest
N4PN 323 417 117 250,860 23 SOMixHP
N4GG 191 0 57 32,661 6 SOCWHP
K4SAV 114 0 50 17,100 5 SOCWHP
W4NTI 55 12 49 14,749 8.5 SOMixLP
KU8E 102 0 44 13,464 - SOCWLP
K4BAI 78 0 48 11,232 3:02 SOCWHP
4. JARTS RTTY Contest
WW4LL 1029 204 522,852 38 SOLP SO2R
K9MUG/4 814 192 401,280 22 SOHP
5. FOC Bill Windle QSO Party
K4BAI 123 Total QSOs 96 with FOC members
KU8E 59
6. RSGB 21/28 mhz. CW Contest
K4BAI 34 26 2,652 1:32 Overseas Open
7. October Flying Pigs QRP Sprint
K4BAI 39 31 3,193 1:44 SO2R
This week and weekend bring the following contests:
NCCC Thursday CW Sprint. Info posted earlier today.
CIS DX Contest Sat. I've never heard anyone in this contest, which is
sponsored by some club in Scotland.
QRPARCI Fall CW Contest. 12Z Sat to 24Z Sun. Maximum of 24 hours.
Exchange: RST + SPC + ARCI# or power output. 160-10M.
W/VE Islands Contest. 16Z Sat to 2359Z Sun.
50 mhz Fall Sprint. This one is sponsored by the SE VHF Society and
logs go to WA4NJP in Gillsville, GA. Hope for some openings on 6M. 23Z
Sat to 03Z Sun.
73 and have a good weekend with a lot of QSOs.
John, K4BAI.