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[SECC] Announcement, PA QSO _Party

Subject: [SECC] Announcement, PA QSO _Party
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 17:12:17 -0400

Sorry to hear about this, but there's a simple solution.

Wait one week.  Then operate in the 48th Annual PENNSYLVANIA QSO Party.

KP4 IS a multiplier in PaQP, and it's always a tough one to work (more due
to minimal activity than anything!)

If you need more info, including rules, entry forms, history etc., they can
be found at

Hope to work you during the contest; I'm going to be at one of my club's
three Multi/Multi stations (either N3SH in Mercer County, WA3SH in Fayette
County, or W4ZE in Washington County) -- don't know which one yet as there
are some non-radio factors involved (family and work related!)

73, ron wn3vaw

----- Original Message -----

 >> Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 14:09:12 -0400
 >> From: <fhdez at>
 >> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Ca QSO  Sad
 >> To: <cq-contest at>
 >> Guys,
 >> Today I made the decision of operating the CA qso party, that all my


 >> seem to like so much and guess what I found out?
 >> Puerto Rico is not a mult for Californians! But KL7 , KH6 are.. also
 >> VE and all its provinces count..
 >> Was that done purposely because of ke3q has been giving you guys such a
 >> headache on SS?
 >> Hi Hi... I'm sure the rules are older than Rich's stints.
 >> I just feel like a second rate citizen.... Happy CQP
 >> 73's
 >> Felipe
 >> NP4Z/KP3Z
 >> ------------------------------

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