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[SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contests

Subject: [SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contests
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 20:02:21 -0400
1.  NA Sprint, SSB
N4PN   241  45  10,845   LP  4 hours
K4BAI  220  44   9,680   HP  3:58
KU8E   199  41   8,159   LP  4
NA4BW  194  39   7,566   LP  4
N4GG   138  34   4,554   HP  2:50
KG4IUM  22  17     374   LP  1.5         GA

2.  Scandinavian Activity Contest CW
N4PN    82  38   4,560   SOABHP      8
K4BAI   34  18     612   SOSB/20HP   1:54
N4GG    24  16     384   M/S HP      2:0

3.  Washington State Salmon Run QSO Party
Call   CW Qs  Ph Qs  Mults  Score   Category   Time  Comments
K4BAI  115    53     30     17,980  SOMixHP       10:55 Includes bonus
W4NTI   80    29     23      7,854  SOMixLP        5
NA4BW   29    20     16      3,496  SOMixQRP       2:10
NE4S     0     ?      ?      2,944  SOHP           3.5  CO

South Carolina QSO Party
K4BAI   1      3      4        320  SOABHP         0:06  Includes bonus

QRP Afield Contest
K4BAI  30            21      3,150  5W Home Stn    1:50

K4BAI  43      3     35      3,115  Mix            2:14

This week and weekend bring:  NAQCC QRP Sprint Wed (Thursday 
0030-0230Z);  NCCC Thursday CW Sprint, 0230-0300Z Friday.  Same rules as 
summer series.  I will not be QRV so some others try to give out the GA 
mult.;  CQWW RTTY Contest, 48 hours.  Remember to try to work WW4LL, 
K9MUG, et al on Curacao; Scandinavian Activity Contest, SSB, 48 hours;
Alabama QSO Party, 18-24Z Sunday.  Try to help out W4NTI and others in 
Ala.  Mobile over there or visit an AL ham and put AL on the air.  Next 
best thing:  work AL stations from your home outside AL.;  Fall QRP HB 
Sprint, Sunday night (00-04Z Monday).

Hope everyone has a good week and weekend.


John, K4BAI.

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