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[SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contests

Subject: [SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contests
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 10:34:03 -0400
1.  NCJ North American QSO Party CW
N4PN    768  203  155,904  10 hrs. SOLP  SECC#1
WW4LL   740  193  142,820  12      M/2LP Ops:  K4AQ, NT4XT
K4FXN   692  198  137,016  10      SOLP  SECC#1  KY
K4BAI   713  178  126,914   9:57   SOLP  SECC#1  SO2R
W4OC    631  201  126,831   9:57   SOLP  SECC#1
KU8E    680  173  117,640  10      SOLP  SECC#1  SO2R
K9MUG   519  157   81,483  10      SOLP  SECC#4
NF4A    506  141   71,346   6.5    SOLP          FL
AA4LR   445  147   65,415   8.8    SOLP  SECC#3
N4GG    370  111   41,070   7      SOLP
NY4N    284  111   31,524   8:45   SOLP          TN
NA4BW   279  110   30,690   9:59   SOQRP SECC#2
W4NTI   229  109   24,961   9      SOLP  SECC#3
N4GI    250   86   21,500          SOLP  SECC#2  FL
AA4GA   207   93   19,251   3.4    SOLP  SECC#2
W0AG    178   80   14,240   5      SOLP  SECC#2
K4LW    176   75   13,200   6      SOLP
K4OGG    33   23      759   0.5    SOLP  SECC#4

A very good turnout for this contest.  A lot of SECC members were QRV 
who haven't posted their scores in time for this summary.  I have all 
the team members' scores except K4IQJ, K4NO, AC4CS, and W4ZW.  Other 
SECC members heard or worked included W4BQF and W4BW.  SECC#1 team 
should do very well, at this time being bested only by TCG#1 (with only 
4 members reporting so far).  CCO#1 and perhaps another one or two could 
come ahead of us when all members are reported.

2.  NCCC Practice NAQP Thursday
K4BAI  39  21  819  SOLP  .5 hr.  SO2R

3.  NCCC Practice NAQP Friday
K4BAI  35  21  735  SOLP  .5 hr.  SO2R

4.  NAQCC 40/80M Sprint August
K4BAI  27  15 1440  SOQRP 1:54  5W w/hand key  SO2R

5.  10-10 Club Summer Phone Contest
K4BAI  77      129  SOHP  2:47

Thursday night brings the return of the NCCC CW Sprints.  0230Z-0300Z. 
160-20M.  Exchange both calls, QSO#, Name, SPC.  QSY rule.

This weekend, the big contest is WAE CW.  80-10M.  Whole 48 hours UTC.
Send RST + QSO #.  Special QTC feature.  There will be a lot of activity 
in this one and a lot of fun when bands are open to Europe.  Single Op 
max 36 hours.

When the bands are not open to Europe, fun can be had in the Maryland-DC 
QSO Party.  CW/Digital, Phone, 160-2M plus 432 mhz.  Exchange:  SPC or 
Md county + class (standard, mobile, club, QRP).  16Z Sat to 04Z Sun and 
16Z to 2359Z Sun.  Suggested freq:  1895, 3643 (CW), 3920, 7060, 7230, 
14060, 14270, 21060, 21370, 28035, 28370, 50150, 52525 (FM), 144150, 
146550 (FM), 432150, 446000.  Summary sheet available from  Rules:

Hope everyone has a good week and weekend and a lot of QSOs.


John, K4BAI.

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