I just figured out there are two more contests this weekend that are not
on the WA7BNM calendar.
Running the 48 hours of the weekend is the CW section of the Seanet
Contest. We can work only stations in the Seanet area, which are listed
on the website. Suggested frequencies are 025 on every CW band, 80-10,
but 160 meter contacts are allowed (don't I wish I could work one on top
band!). Exchange: RST + serial number.
On Sunday afternoon, there is the QRP Colorado Gold Rush, 2000 to 2200
UTC. 20 meter CW only. 5 W maximum power. Exchange: RST + SPC +
Class + CQC Member # or power output. Class: Wire, Vertical, Beam or
Portable. The same station may be worked up to three times if the
contacts are at least 30 minutes apart. Dupe sheets required. Seems I
won the beam section of this contest last year.
John, K4BAI.