Hello all: W0AH, Doug, has purchased a lot in Inman, SC, which I think
is within our 175 mi circle (somewhere near Spartanburg). He operated
FD style from the lot in the ARRL VHF contest in June. He is a big HF
and VHF contester and I have worked him for years. When I saw his
posting to 3830, I invited him to join SECC. Turns out that he will be
building a house there and moving in the next 2 to 3 years.
If any of you hear Doug on the air from Colorado, please call him and
welcome him to the area and SECC prospectively.
K2SX, Dennis, is also in the same situation with property in SC and I
think Dennis may be moving down in the next year or so.
John, K4BAI.