1. 2005 Telephone Area Code QRP Sprint
K4BAI 17 17 = 7,960 1:28 hours. Score includes 500 bonus pts N3EPA
Band conditions Saturday afternoon were terrible on 20 (only 4 QSOs
there) and only fair on 40. Activity seemed down this year. This was a
6-hour Sprint, but I had less that 1 1/2 hours available between the
Atlanta hamfest/SECC meeting and a Ball held that night by Historic
Columbus Foundation, for which Weesie (my XYL) works.
2. Region One and RSGB Field Days, CW.
K4BAI 16 QSOs. Band conditions to Europe seemed very poor, but the
FD'ers were having fun working each other, at least.
3. June QRP Spartan Sprint
K4BAI 65 QSOs. Tubby class (over 30# rig weight). 2.0 hours 5 w.
Short skip on 20 held in for the entire contest Monday night, which was
very good since QRN wiped out 80 here and made QSOs at a distance
difficult on 40. A lot of activity from GA stations, but no one
reported their scores. I'll forward the results to the reflector when
they are published, probably tomorrow, so the rest of you can see what
you are missing during these monthly 2-hour QRP Sprints.
This weekend will bring a number of contests.
The FOC-sponsored Bill Windle QSO Party, Sat 00 - 24 Z.
48 hour, ANARD WW RTTY Contest.
Portugal Day, SSB Contest. Work anyone. Sent RS + Serial #. Sat 00-24Z.
SSB Asia - Pacific Sprint. 11-13Z Sat. 15 and 20 M SSB. 20 M SSB
could be good to Asia at that hour. Send RS + serial #. 6 khz QSY rule.
GACW WWSA CW Contest. Work the world, but more points for South
America. HF CW. RST + CQ zone #. 15Z Sat to 15Z Sun.
ARRL VHF Contest. Exchange grid squares. One QSO per VHF band
regardless of mode. 6M spots have indicated great openings on that band
lately. This could be a lot of fun.
Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend and a lot of fun and QSOs in
spite of some worrisome propagation forecasts for the weekend.
John, K4BAI.