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[SECC] keyers

Subject: [SECC] keyers
From: ae4y at (AE4Y)
Date: Mon, 30 May 2005 20:51:10 -0400
Much like Lee, who responded earlier, I use the keyer functions that are 
part of my logging program.  In my case I use N1MM Logger.

For everyday CW, I use the keyer built into the rig.  But I also have an 
old MFJ Grandmaster Memory Keyer that is an antique now, but it still works.

Kent, AE4Y

Chris Sells wrote:
> Good evening to all,
> I hope everyone is recuperating from the contest this weekend.  Made a 
> contact with Algeria 7x5j on fifteen meters Sunday 
> morning.  Makes me wish I had of checked fifteen more.  Wondered if anyone 
> has any good ideas on a good memory keyer 
> to use for the contests?  I would like something simple and doesn't take a 
> rocket scientist to program hi.  73

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