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Subject: [SECC] W4AN SECC Club QSL Cards
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 15:14:38 -0400
Thanks, Kent.  That is a very good looking QSL.  I must give credit to 
Wayne, W4MPY.  I ordered 500 QSLs and sent him a check for the simple 
one-color deal that I order for my own bureau cards.  He included a note 
that he threw in some extra because he liked and missed Bill Fisher.

In fact, he printed a more expensive QSL for us at the price of the 
onc-color simple card.  So, many thanks to Wayne!

For your information, the day I received the cards, I mailed the first 
one out to K9GDF, Rich Regent, near Milwaukee who had worked KU8E, Jeff, 
using the W4AN call in GQP.  So far, that is the only request I have 
received, although Ed, K4SB, received a few before the address was 
changed in the FCC data base and he is forwarding them on to me.


John, K4BAI.

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