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[SECC] Sweepstakes

Subject: [SECC] Sweepstakes
From: GMacie at (Macie, Gordon)
Date: Mon Nov 1 13:32:59 2004
Just trying to stir the pot... Im sure Hal can get his record up to the 100k
mark.. Looks like W4AQL could raise their mark also.. 
I do plan to have the best score on River Lake Dr.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Pryor []
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 1:28 PM
To: Macie, Gordon; ''
Subject: RE: [SECC] Sweepstakes

I might take first place in Dunwoody, depending on whether or not K2UFT
enters the contest.  However, I saw W4ATL on the streets of Dunwoody
Saturday, so maybe I'll try for third.  


Jay, K4OGG 

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