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[SECC] W/VE Island QSO party

Subject: [SECC] W/VE Island QSO party
From: ne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Tue Oct 26 09:25:28 2004
The propagation was pretty good this weekend, for the W/VE Islands QSO party.  
I operated K4USI from 4 local islands, all were "drive on", with bridges or 
causeway access.  3 Islands were in Lanier, one in Alatoona.
The score is not done yet, but will probably be near 15K (or more!) from 573 
Q's, all SSB.  I will put in a short note on final tabulation.
LY3BA was worked from all islands, several other stations also called in as I 
moved locations.  Thanks Gedimas.  Many EU, some AF, and one VK were logged, as 
were all states except HI.
TI8M called from the contest location.  They sounded like were "down the 
beach", 9++.
WW4LL was the op, they seem ready for the big contest.
I got the linear working from the truck and ran about 400W for this event, 
which is loafing for the 1000W rig.  It ran cool and without incident.  I did 
have to add a choke to the base of the hamstick to keep the laptop from 
restetting when it's battery got low.
Next projects will be to get an antenna that will take the power, and get some 
much better grounding in place.  Also a noise free power supply for the Laptop 
is needed.  The inverter used for it's power makes hash in the radio.  Since it 
needs 19V, I will probably just get a big 6V battery, charge it, and put in in 
series with the 12V from the truck.  The laptop is quiet by itself.
I hope a better antenna makes for better RX, as I missed a lot of Q's from weak 
All of this should be done in time for the GQP!!  Rover HiPower, SSB 20M, this 
could be fun..!
Take my vote FOR the ammendment too.
Mike, NE4S/K4USI

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