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Subject: [SECC] SARTG RTTY Results
From: ae4y at (AE4Y)
Date: Sun Aug 22 08:01:43 2004
I got into the SARTG RTTY contest for a couple of hours on Saturday 
afternoon.  As most of you SSB NAQPers know, conditions left a lot to be 
desired, but I did manage to give out a few points to those who were 
really going at it.

Here's the results from my effort:

Single Operator, Low Power, All Bands

        Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty   Sec
           14      46    450   16   13
           21       2     30    2    0
        Total      48    480   18   13

      Final Score : 14,880

Kent, AE4Y

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