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[SECC] Contest Results in CQ, QST, and NCJ all received today

Subject: [SECC] Contest Results in CQ, QST, and NCJ all received today
From: GMacie at (Macie, Gordon)
Date: Mon Jun 21 17:08:39 2004
Looks like I was 4th in the SE Divison for D category... Multioperator... I
was one operator using packet.

Gordon N4LR

-----Original Message-----
From: John Laney []
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 2:41 PM
To: secc
Subject: [SECC] Contest Results in CQ, QST, and NCJ all received today

Hello all:

Note the new QST with the contest results for ARRL 10 M 2003.  A number 
of members scored in the boxes.  SECC came in #6 in the club 
competition, ahead of SCCC, TCG, and others.  K4EA was #8 nationally 
mixed mode high power.  K4WI was #4 and NQ4I operated by W4DD was #5 SSB 
high power.  Matt, K4AQ, as WB6BWZ, was #2 in the SE Region QRP mixed 

The new CQ camd today also.  I didn't have time to look at all the 
results and they are not arranged by geographical location, but I did 
notice that WX4TM won a certificate in the low power division and that 
NR4X operated by K4SB also participated.

The July/Aug NCJ arrived today.  Feb RTTY NAQP shows WX4TM second in the 
fourth call area!  N2XD was fourth.  John, you need to join our team for 
the July running.  Other member scores listed in descending order were: 
  KE4KWE, K4IQJ, K4VU, WB6BWZ, and W4NTI.  Results from the Feb Phone 
Sprint:  WB6BWZ #2 QRP.  Southeast Sprint Coalition team was #5, again 
ahead of the TCG team.  Listing descending in the 4th call area:  KU8E, 
N4LR, N4PN, NA4BW, KT4Q, W4OC, K4NO, WB6BWZ.  The table is a little 
confusing to me, but I think KU8E was #5 low power and N4LR was #6 low 
power.  Congratultions to all.

For Feb CW Sprint, K4AAA by W4AN won again, winning his 4th consecutive 
CW Sprint, this time due to his multiplier total.  He was #2 in QSOs and 
tied for #1 in mults at 52.  WB6BWZ was #10 QRP.  K4AAA was top in band 
changes.  WB6BWZ had a "golden log" wiht no QSOs removed.  SSC#1 team 
came in second to a NCCC team.  SSC#2 came in at #5, and SSC#3 at #10. 
SSC#4 was #16 and the partly filled SSC#5 came in last.  Thanks guys!

In memory of W4AN and K4OJ, participants are requested to observe a 
minute of silence at the beginning of the Sept 04 CW Sprint, 0000 to 
0001 UTC.

K4NO upped his all time AL record score.  Fourth district scores in club 
by descending order:  K4AAA (W4AN), K4BAI, K4NO, W4OC, KU8E (lp), N4PN 
(lp), AA4GA (lp), K4IQJ (lp), WA4TT, AE4Y (lp), W4ATL (lp), N5VI (lp) 
(maybe not in SECC?, but QTH is in GA), K4GA (lp), AA4LR (lp), KT4Q 
(lp), AF4QZ, WB6BQZ (qrp).

Hope I didn't miss any members.  If so, it was unintentional.


John, K4BAI.

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