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[SECC] Top Ten DX Doubler and NA

Subject: [SECC] Top Ten DX Doubler and NA
From: ku8e at (
Date: Mon May 24 11:52:59 2004
 Hi All...

  Both K4BAI and I bought a Top Ten DX Doubler SO2R box in Dayton. John also 
bought the premade cables for the FT1000MP with his. I was over John's house on 
Saturday to help him hook his up. We have it working in the manual mode OK but 
can't seem to get it to work in the automatic mode.

John has two identical FT1000MP's. Only one of them is computer controlled - 
which we will call Radio #1. The 2nd , which is not we will call Radio #2. We 
have moved the jumpers inside the DX Doubler to configure it to use with NA. He 
is running NA on a laptop with one (1) COM port and one (1) LPT port. The COM 
port of the laptop is connected to the DB25 port on the back of Radio #1.  This 
provides computer control for that radio. The LPT port on the laptop is 
connected to the LPT port on the DX Doubler. The premade cables are connected 
from the Radio One DIN plug on the DX doubler are connected to the Keyer , Mic, 
and Headphone jacks on front on the FT1000MP - Radio #1. The Radio Two DIN plug 
on the DX Doubler is conncted to the Mic,Key, and Headphone jack on the front 
of Radio #2 - FT1000MP , that is not computer controlled.

John's keyer is pluged in the Keyer In jack on the back of the DX Doubler. The 
R1 PTT jack on the DX Doubler is is parallel with the PTT line from radio #1 to 
the Alpha, which is used for Radio #1. The amp is not hooked to Radio #2 right 

On the configuration for NA we have Radio A/B  = LPT1 with dvk , XCVR1 = 
FT1000MP, XCVR2 = FT1000MP , CW Port = LPT1 

When NA is started we have the following checked on the Equipment Control Panel 
:  TWO Radios , Radio #1 and Keyer

In the automatic mode on the DX doubler :

When you do the CTRL-R command on NA it switches the log between the TX#1 and 
TX#2 like it should.  It doesn't seem to switch the keying line and light the 
LEDs to transmit on Radio #2 like it should. I think we have everything hooked 
up OK but maybe I am missing something ???


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