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[SECC] GQP Update

Subject: [SECC] GQP Update
From: ku8e at (
Date: Fri Mar 12 09:21:16 2004
Hi All...

 Well , I started the GQP publicity blitz this week. I sent the following email 
to all the ARRL affliated clubs in Georgia. Got the email addresses for them 
from the ARRL's website :

   The Georgia QSO Party , which is sponsored by the Southeast Contest Club and 
the Southeastern DX Club, will be held on the weekend of April 10th- 11th , 
2004. Please encourage your club members to participate in this event. It is a 
great opportunity to help those trying to get the Worked All Georgia (WAG) 
award , to work many of the rare counties they are missing to earn their 
certificate. Please see the WAG webpage at

  There are also many plaques and certificates available in different operating 
classes. Please see the complete rules at .

Hope to hear you on the air.

  73, Jeff Clarke  KU8E , 2004 Georgia QSO Party Director

I also have contacted our section manager - AF4FO and Susan is going to publish 
this in the section newsletter. I believe they have a website as well. 

 I know there is some disagreement among the membership that we are holding the 
GQP over Easter weekend this year . The decision was made via a membership vote 
(that were present during the last meeting) not to change this date. I'm sure 
the issue of how we vote will be discussed at our next meeting. But for now the 
majority rules and we will have to go with that decision. I am asking everyone 
in the SECC (and SEDXC) to please support the contest. Any operating time you 
can spare during the weekend would be greatly appreciated. I heard the comment 
from many of last years out of state entries that the rovers kept the contest 
interesting but there was a lack of fixed stations in GA to work.

Update on log checking : I have started the process and expect to put a big 
dent into it this weekend. It is my goal to have the final results published on 
the GQP website by April 1st.

 Again... Please help me publicize the contest. If you also belong to a local 
club please encourage your fellow club members to participate. Also stress that 
the GQP is not just a contest but also an operating event which we are 
assisting those such as county hunters , those trying to achieve the WAG award, 
etc.....  in reaching their goals....
      Thanks,  Jeff  KU8E

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