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[SECC] Re: [FQP]K4OJ Memorial

Subject: [SECC] Re: [FQP]K4OJ Memorial
From: k5iid at (Tom Horton)
Date: Fri Feb 13 14:41:59 2004
Jeff and Kevin,
  Personally, although I am not a Floridian, I think that it should be 
something bigger.
Maybe a trophy that can be passed on to another receipient the following year.
Possibly the overall high score, or something else.
I have never seen so many eulogies and remarks about any one person before.
It is obvious that every has been touched by Jim in some way or another. I 
know I will miss the e-mails and the quips that he always seemed able to offer.
  When I first read this this afternoon, it really hadn't hit me.
I only met Jim inperson one time at the Houston ARRL National back in 198?.
But, I felt like I knew him better than that.
  Maybe that's why there are so many comments!
73 Jim!


At 02:39 02/13/04, wrote:
>As Jim's partner for most of the FQP mobile efforts, I think it would be a
>great idea.
>Kevin N4KM
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"E"  Sorter for the ARRL W5 QSL Bureau
Williamstown, WV 
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