I had intended to cut and paste the latest ARRL Propagation forecast to
this message, but it didn't work for some reason. K7RA reports that
there are presently NO sunspots. That will change shortly and he gives
propagation predictions from Atlanta (and other places in the world) to
Europe for the UBA contest tomorrow and Sunday. You can find this on
the ARRL webpage, I am sure.
Those preparing for the Sprint tomorrow night should observe conditions
tonight and plan your Sprint band activity with that in mind.
Last night, after 20 meters apparently went long early, W1AW was still
quite loud here at 0230 GMT and I had a great short skip QSO with W8UI
in WV, ex K8MYU back active after 20+ years and promising to try to
Sprint, on 20 meters from about 02 to 0220 UTC. After 0230, there
seemed to be nothing on 20, but contests will bring out more stations
and it may be that the band was still open to the West Coast.
About 0230 UTC, 40 meters was still short enough for a FB QSO with W0YR
in VA and long enough to QSO VE6SF in Alberta and Ira, K2RD/M near San
80 M did not have short skip that would affect the Ga net at 03 UTC.
So there is some hope that 20 will have some short skip at or after the
start of the contest and that 40 will hang in there for the first
several hours of the contest. Best to go back and forth between those
bands, I guess, whereever you can get the best rates and have a chance
at missing multipliers until activity level reaches a good point for 80.
John, K4BAI.