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[SECC] Re: [CQ-Contest] DX Participation in NAQP Contests

Subject: [SECC] Re: [CQ-Contest] DX Participation in NAQP Contests
From: thompson at (David L. Thompson)
Date: Thu Jan 22 14:46:51 2004
Its been this way in the ARRL SS since the 50's.  Only some found KP4 et al
was even better.  I remember that one year W6PQW (90 watts) made over 900
QSOs on 10 AM.  THink this was 1958 (before SSB).  He made more QSOs than I
did in all bands and I placed third National.  W6PQW is now W6BH and has a
great web page.

I really think all domestic contests should give an advantage to LP as we
did at one time in the ARRL SS.  100 watts or even 150 watts for low power.
I feel that if you can't work W6 or W1 from Georgia with 100 watts then you
need a better antenna.  All the high power violates FCC rules anyway (read
it for yourself).
Dave K4JRB

KU8E said:
>    NAQP favors the West Coast big time !!!!  No way I am going make
400-500 QSO's and 45 mults on both 160 and 80 to counter what you guys do on
15 and 10 meters... We are also are starting to see 40 go long early now
which gives the West Coast even more of an advantage.

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