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[SECC] hey bubba!

Subject: [SECC] hey bubba!
From: k4vu at (Robin Gist)
Date: Sun Jan 18 10:53:36 2004
hey everyone --

hope y'all did well in the NA yesterday.  it was a lot of fun being 'Bubba
in Alabama' at KY5R yesterday.  it was the first time i had been behind a
microphone since working the deli counter at kroger when i was a freshman in
college. ;)

i apologize for being the alligator on 160 last night.  static was really
harsh -- and my ears were ringing pretty badly by 0400 -- i was having
trouble with everyone.  seems i developed a late-evening notch filter in my
brain that liked to take the numbers out of callsigns.  by 0600, i realized
that i had the gain turned all the way up in my headset.  no wonder my ears
are still buzzing this morning.

however, i have developed a new found respect for phone contesters.  it
takes a lot of patience, and a different set of listening skills in order to
be successful.  it was pretty amazing to watch tim/ky5r work 400+ q's on 20
and a very noisy 75.

...but i'll still take CW any day of the week, twice on sunday and all day
long on christmas and new years.  and its definintely easier than dealing
with Radio Moscow on 7240.

and finally, a big congratulations to the K4NO team for bringing home the
bacon on 160 last night (by 100+ q's) and making the difference by 40+k
points in the Alabanana Republic M/2 Face Off.  way to go guys!

(Bubba 2 at KY5R)

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