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[SECC]Club Call

Subject: [SECC]Club Call
From: k4sb at (K4SB)
Date: Tue Dec 16 11:53:08 2003
Ernie, KS4Q is now the Trustee of the Club call, NR4X. All requests
for use of the call should be sent to him.

I reserved use of the call in the RTTY WPX for myself before I
transferred trusteeship.

I'll try to remember the rules established and post them, but probably
the most important is that requests to use the call in the GQP will
always go to a rover.

And I remind everyone that simultaneous use of the call IS permitted
if two or more stations are on different modes. So, a rover for
example, operating only SSB ( OR only SSB during certain hours ) would
NOT be in conflict with another rover operating CW simultaneously, or
SSB while the other rover was on CW with another call. 

Again, the X at the end of the call is a really BIG factor with county
hunters. Their BINGO award is for stations who have already worked ALL
counties, but are now trying to work all counties again, EXCEPT, now
the station you work must have the beginning letter of the county
somewhere in the suffix of his call. ( W4PPP would count for Paulding
Co, but K4SB would not. ((assuming both of us are in Paulding)) But,
with the X at the end, it is treated as a "wild card" and counts for
Bingo in any county in any of the States.

Now, I promised to buy the first 1000 QSL cards for the Club. But we
need a design.

How about everyone chipping in for a design of the Club. Obviously, we
want the SECC logo, so if someone who has a P will color copy the
thing and mail it to me. ( preferably without folding the copy ),
we'll start from there.

Now, if we do it that way, we obviously need a QSL manager. But I
would suggest that all logs also be uploaded to LOTW. If the program
you use doesn't support Cabrillo, if you can send me the ASCII file,
or  copy of the paper logs, I will convert and upload them.

Need everyone's thoughts on this.

And BTW, tomorrow is the last day for voting on the amendments to the

Now, I have to go out and lower that (*_*&)(^*&$^# 41' 5 element 20 to
the ground. It's 30 below 0 here. The reflector is almost 45 degrees
out of alignment with the other elements.


This is bad, but a friend sent it to me.

"If you're swimming in a creek, and get bitten on the cheek, that's a
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