Please join me in welcoming Skip Kazmarek, KG4TUL to the South East
Club. Skip joined in January. (OK, I knew I was behind in processing
member applications, I didn't realise I was THIS far behind!).
Skip is a relatively new ham, and is just getting into contesting. He's
tried a few voice and digital contests, but no CW. Skip, I'm sure you'll
get a lot of encouragement to try CW from this crowd, as many of them
have forgotten where they but their microphones.
Skip, if you haven't already done so, please go to
<> and sign up for our e-mail reflector. There
we have a perpetual daily on-line meeting.
Welcome aboard!
Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL Mail:
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
-- Wilbur Wright, 1901