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[SECC] Rule Change for IARU test

Subject: [SECC] Rule Change for IARU test
From: wo4o at (
Date: Tue Jul 15 13:22:27 2003
What rules need to be changed?

Add LOW POWER category.
Add QRP category.
Add Club/Team Competition.

Why do the rules need to be changed?

To increase participation.  By adding new competition categories there
will be added value to the contest.  More participants will increase
activity to compete for awards. 

One example:  Did anybody notice the larger than normal number of HQ
stations S&Ping due to low activity when they would normally be CQing to
keep the rate up?  Does anybody believe that the low activity is solely a
result of poor propagation?

How will this rule change affect the costs to administrate the contest?

Costs will increase.

How can added costs be offset?

As administrator for the contest, the ARRL can sell memorabilia, such as
pins, coffee mugs, t-shirts, etc.  More competition categories = more
participants = more "buyers" (of memorabilia) = more money!


Arguing that added costs to add competition categories is prohibitive is
not valid when there is a viable solution.

Once we identify the decision makers for rule changes and the policy and
procedure for presenting a formal proposal, it is my intent to announce a
more developed and detailed plan-of-action to effect these changes.

73 Ric Wo4o


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