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[SECC] 2003 GQP Received Logs list given to Jeff/KU8E

Subject: [SECC] 2003 GQP Received Logs list given to Jeff/KU8E
From: jshort at (
Date: Sun Jun 29 00:26:24 2003
Hi all...

        Sorry that this update is LONG overdue on my part.  I just 
sent Jeff Clarke, KU8E, the final logs received list for the 2003 
GQP.  Unfortunately, I had been away from the area for some 
time... and just never got around to finishing the list up.  Luckly, Jeff 
kicked me in the skins enough times for me to get it done.

        For the record, we received a total of 83 logs - which is 8 
more than last year.  Almost a 3 to 1 ratio for logs received via email 
(62) vs. US mail (21).

        Once the list is up on the GQP website, if anyone sees 
something wrong/missing - please let me know ASAP.


Jeff / KD3UC

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