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[SECC] VHF test

Subject: [SECC] VHF test
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Mon Jun 16 09:33:06 2003
Our daughter was married Saturday night, so I didn't get on 6 meters
until Sunday.  Made only four contacts despite a lot of listening and
calling.  VP5KE was a new grid square (how to QSL?), KU8E was local, and
two 4 area stations in FM16 on the Atlantic coast of VA/NC...K4WYS and
NG4C, I think were the calls, and they were loud late Sunday PM and
there was no propagation elsewhere or no one else listening where there
may have been propagation.  I keep missing all the good openings this
year.  I did hear and unsuccessfully call 9Y4TL, which would have been
my first ever South American QSO.  Power line noise was too loud for me
to copy him reliably, although he was loud until it suddenly started up.


John, K4BAI.
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