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[SECC] ARRL June VHF Contest This Weekend

Subject: [SECC] ARRL June VHF Contest This Weekend
From: ku8e at (
Date: Fri Jun 13 15:36:52 2003
 Hi All...

  Is anyone doing the VHF contest this weekend ???  I remember K4EA mention
he is going up to NC in the mountains. Anyone else ??

 Condx have been pretty good on 6 meters for about the last week. A couple 
nights ago it was open to the east coast and midwest. I worked about 50 
stations using my HF antenna - an 88 ft center fed zepp. I even got some 
answers to my CQ and had a small pileup for awhile. 

 Depending on how good the condx are on Saturday I might just jump in my car 
with my DK9SQ mast and a quad loop for 6 meters and do a small rover operation.
Looking at the map I am only about 75 miles from the intersection of EM73 , 
EM83, EM71 and EM81 - which I think are pretty rare grids. If 6 really opened 
up it could be real "fun" just doing 6 meters !!!  Although I have 2 meters and 
432 - I don't have antennas built now plus I'm not sure how much
activity there is down that far south to make it worth while??? I would 
appreciate any advice I can get about VHF contesting down here..... 

                              73's Jeff

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