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[SECC] GQP-2004

Subject: [SECC] GQP-2004
From: ku8e at (
Date: Fri May 30 09:15:46 2003
   If you would move it a week earlier there would not be a conflict with any
 "major" contests. The only problem is that it would be a week after CQ WPX SSB.
 People might be too burned out to want to spend alot of time in GQP the next
 weekend. We would not want it moved up a week because it would conflict with 
 the Michigan QSO party, which always has good activity. Having an operating 
 period during Easter Sunday would probably not be a good idea.

   One way to fix this problem is to make GQP a 12 hour contest like what
 many of the other QSO parties are going to. If it wasn't for the great mobile
 activity we get people would lose interest. There has always been complaints
 about the low amount of fixed activity from GA. Most people don't want to spend
 a whole weekend - unless they are having fun rovering - in a state QSO party.

 Another option (if we want to stay at 20 hours) is to have maybe a 4 hour 
period on Friday night - 0000-0400z and then maybe start up at 12:00 Z on 
Saturday morning and go to 0400Z (midnight). That would give you 4 hours Friday
night and 16 hours on Saturday and still leave Sunday free for those who have 
other things going on during the weekend. That additional 4 hours Friday night 
would give us 4 hours of very good propagation - which would probably be a good 
thing. Any comments ???

                          Jeff KU8E

> From:
> Date: 2003/05/30 Fri AM 07:46:16 EDT
> To:,
> Subject: [SECC] GQP-2004
> Looking at the calendar, it appears the GQP will fall on Easter Sunday. This 
> year's GQP on Palm Sunday was a problem for some. Should we consider moving 
> it 
> one week later in 2004?
> Bruce  AA4Z 
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