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[SECC] Alabama QSO Party results

Subject: [SECC] Alabama QSO Party results
From: (Dan/W4NTI)
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 19:41:53 -0500
Thanks to all I could work during the AQP.  NE4S is in the log several =
times, K4GA, N4JF, K4WI, AI4RA.  Heard K4BAI being called on 20,  but no =
QSO with John this time around.

Most action was on 20 for me.  Not much interest in 40 and zero in =
80....160 managed a qsy for N4JF and we got it.  This contest quits way =
too early for those bands to be of value.  40 was clobbered in cw by =
lots of RTTY.  Not a good thing.

I managed 130 qso's with 88 multipliers in about 4 hours of air time, =
for a score of 11,440.


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