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[SECC] Equip For Sale & Wanted

Subject: [SECC] Equip For Sale & Wanted
From: (
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 08:06:30 EDT

I have the following equipment for sale:

Pair of Hygain 5 element 15 meter beams (155CA) with 5 KW balum and phasing 
line for stacking. $350.00. I will split up the pair. (on the ground and 

Crushcraft 6 element, 6 meter beam. One broken element but works. I completed 
my 6 meter DXCC using this antenna with the broken element. $50.00 (on the 
ground and assembled)

Alpha 77d  amp $2500. Amp is like new inside and out. The front panel has 
been replaced with new one, 77DX from Alpha. 2 KW out single 8877 tube. I 
have digital pictures if interested.

Commander HF 2500 Amp. Like new condition 2 KW out. $2000.

I want to buy 7/8 coax and connectors in lengths from 150 to 250 feet.

Call 706-677-2800 home or return e-mail.


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