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[SECC] Ala QSO Party, Saturday, Sept 28

Subject: [SECC] Ala QSO Party, Saturday, Sept 28
From: (John Laney)
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2002 14:43:23 -0400
Hello all:

Thanks to the generosity of Joe, KO4RR, I am again borrowing his truck
and radio to run counties mobile in the Ala QSO Party next Saturday,
Sept 28.  This contest runs 6 hours, from 18Z to 24Z, on Saturday (2 to
8 PM EDT).  I did a mobile run last year (as did NE4S with KD3UC as opr)
and it was fun.  It will be more fun if there is more activity.  

This contest runs during part of the Texas QSO Party, which draws a lot
of activity each year, so there will be a lot of county hunters and
contesters listening for mobiles and most are willing to work more than
one state QSO party at the same time.  You can work a lot of TX
stations, too.  

I hope some others of you will run across the state line and do a mobile
or portable operation.  You might be able to get some Ala friend who
wouldn't otherwise be active to let you use his station.

If not, please join in the fun from your home outside AL and help us
make this contest a success for our SECC member KS4YT, Bridget, and her
local club.

Please pass the word to other stations you work in the next week,
particular those in Alabama or nearby.

If no one else announces plans to operate in SE AL, I will probably run
the same route I did last year.  Start in Lee County in Phenix City, and
run south down the Ga line to the last county before the FL line, turn
west, and come back up the next line of counties, probably as far as
Tuskegee (Macon County) and back home.

I had a driver last year and that is best for safety's sake and it makes
it more fun too.  But he was my son, a non-ham, and I don't think he
will do it again.  If anyone wants to make the trip with me and drive or
swap off driving and operating, please let me know.

Also, if anyone has plans to operate, particularly in the SE AL
counties, please let me know so I can adjust my plans.


John, K4BAI.

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