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[SECC] Sprint speeds

Subject: [SECC] Sprint speeds
From: (McKay)
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 11:07:53 -0400
I was using fairly new logging program, it was my first sprint and first
time using this new memory keyer. I sent from 22wpm to 25 wpm. Mostly around
22wpm. About half my QSOs were CQ and the rest, of course,  S&P.  I must
have hit a group of good guys as everyone slowed down when I indicated their
speed was too high. Many reduced their speed by half when I answered their
CQ to get in line with the speed I was sending. If I CQed I would not give a
report until they slowed down. Only had to do that once or twice. The rest
of the guys were
courteous to me. Of course, I only had 53 Qs and was not exposed to the same
conditions as Bill or Court, both of whom had many more Qs, and probably
spent more time in the heart of the piles rather than on the fringes where I
mostly worked.

73, Archie, K4GA

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