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[SECC] Fw: [6 Meter Sked] Perseid Meteors tonight

Subject: [SECC] Fw: [6 Meter Sked] Perseid Meteors tonight
From: (Dan/W4NTI)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 12:22:09 -0500
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan/W4NTI" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 12:19 PM
Subject: [6 Meter Sked] Perseid Meteors tonight

> Weak Signal operators -- listen up.  The Perseid meteors are on their way.
> Lee Wical, KH6BZF,  says over the QCWA remailer that from midnignt to dawn
on Monday August 12th and Tuesday August 13th about 60 to 70 meteors per
hour will enter Earth's atmosphere.  This particular meteor shower is
created by the Earth passing through the debris field left from the Swift-
Tuttle comet.
> The grain-like particles enter Earth's atmosphere,  burn up and create
what most people call shooting stars.
> The Perseid Meteor shower is not expected to be as spectacular as the
Leonid Meteor shower that occurs each November.  But,  if viewing is good,
people will not be disappointed.  And if the ionized tails are good,  ham
radio meteor scatter DXers and WSJT users will be happy as well.
> From Newsline.
> Even if your not into the big antenna's etc you can possible hear some
good meteor sounds tonight on six meter SSB.   Just leave the rig sitting on
50.125 and you will hear 'bursts", and snatches of conversation.  And if its
a good trail it could sound like E skip in the middle of the evening.
> Point the beams NW if possible and give it a listen.
> As for those not equiped with the new mode of WSJT (a meteor scatter
program) it doesn't matter.  CW works as does SSB on six meters.   Make the
transmissions short and no rag chewing please... hi.
> Have fun.
> Dan/W4NTI  Alabama
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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